Our Services

Training Services
Our training solutions are designed for NGOs, Government Sector Offices, Private Sector Companies, and Individuals. Our training packages provide you with a tailored development journey to achieve your dreams.

Consultancy works
We are passionate about sharing our know-how and expertise. Our company provides consulting services to NGOs, Private Sectors, Government Offices, Universities, and Individuals in preparation for SPM, Project Management, and providing coaching and mentoring.

Research Solutions
Our company is to help innovative NGOs, Private Sectors, Government Offices, universities, and individuals to solve their research problems. We design innovative research strategies with a focus on your research's challenges and opportunities.
About the Company

SkillHub Consultancy
SkillHub Research, Training and Consulting Center is a leading research and development firm established to boost the national capacity on research endeavors in Ethiopia. SkillHub offers three main integrated functions on providing on job capacity building trainings (mentorship); conducting scientific researches and consulting services for the private Sector, NGOs, and the public /government sector in Ethiopia.
Our Vision
Transform the National Research and Development capacity by providing inclusive and adaptive research and practice oriented trainings in Ethiopia.
Our Core Values
- Innovation
- Reliability
- Perseverance
- Optimism
- Synergy
Our Mission
Provide world Class research, Trainings and Consulting Services with all knowledge in our fast-paced changing society. We are harnessing intellectual competencies that are essential for success and leadership in the Public, Private and Civil Society Sector in Ethiopia.
What we Offer

Training Services
- Advocacy and Lobbying Skills
- Constituency building for CSOs and organizations
- The changing role and practice of M&E in the International Context for Project Specialists
- Advanced Monitoring and Evaluation Systems (Software’s and Tools for Monitoring and Evaluation) for Program Managers
- Fundamentals of Scientific Research process
- Strategic Leadership and Management
- Digital media and Strategic communication
- Exploring Digital opportunities (Scholarships, trainings etc)
- Cyber security, Hate speech and response Analysis 10. Tools and skills of Diplomatic Communication
- Project Management and leadership

Consultancy works
- Strategic Planning and Implementation consulting
- Educational Consulting
- Project Consultancy works
- Organizational efficiency and management

Research Solutions and Services
- Strategic Plan Development
- Project Proposal development
- Fund raising Proposal writing
- Mid-term and terminal project evaluation
- Data collection and analysis works
- Impact and formative assessment
- Policy evaluation and critics
- Business plan
- Baseline survey
- Report writing
- Research Evaluation and editorial Works
- Training Module preparation and curriculum Development